Become a Monthly Support Member!

Eight Very Good Reasons to Join the Kadampa Meditation Centre Ottawa Community
- Becoming a supporting member of KMC Ottawa is the most economical way to enjoy all our classes (in person or by Live Stream), retreats, day courses and branch classes at significant savings compared to pay-as-you-go.
- As well as all the free classes at our centre & our branches you also become entitled to have access to the "members-only" Live Streamed classes, prayers & meditations links, (upon request), so you have the option to participate from home. Email to request the Live Stream links be sent to you by email.
- FREE Livestream for Tuesday evenings & Sunday mornings for any level of membership
- Free Livestream for our weekday guided meditations & prayers for any level of membership from 8-9 am
- Saturday 1/2 Day Classes (free for Silver, Gold or Platinum members and $25 for Bronze members).
- Throughout the year, we host special events at KMC Ottawa for which silver, gold and platinum supporting members receive admission-price discounts.
- While the Center largely relies on supporters’ membership fees to provide classes throughout the year, a significant portion of our profit is donated to the International Temples Project. That means your money starts off at KMC Ottawa but can have a global impact.
- When you become a member of KMC Ottawa, you're actively supporting the flourishing of Dharma in the Ottawa/Gatineau region and throughout the world.
- Not only are you helping Dharma flourish in the world, you're also committing to your own spiritual growth - making a statement in your own life about the prominent role you want to give to Buddha's teachings in your life.
- Your gold and/0r platinum support membership fees also give you access to one of our study programs. If you choose to commit to a study program, either the Foundation Program or the Teacher Training Program, this cost is included in your membership. It's the most profound and at the same time, most affordable education you'll ever receive! Contact Lamden at to express your interest in these study programs.
- And, last of all, but certainly not least of all, when you become a member of KMC Ottawa you simultaneously become part of our extended spiritual family. This all happens in the same moment! You really can't be a member of KMC Ottawa and also a stranger to us. Welcome to our community!
Membership entails:
- We offer various membership types to suit everyone. If you attend the centre and/or branch classes regularly, your membership will represent a substantial savings over the pay-as-you-go option.
- The monthly membership support contribution is set up to be conveniently automatically withdrawn from your bank account. Exceptions and alternative payment methods may be considered on an individual basis as needed).
- Your membership renews automatically each month (unless we hear from you), for a minimum of 3-6 months.
Four membership options are available to suit every need:

If we cherish others we will be concerned to help rather than harm them, so we will naturally avoid non-virtuous actions.