Teacher Training Program
In-depth Study Program
Teacher Training Program
Sundays 2-4pm
 and Mondays 7-9pm
with Gen Kelsang Thekchen
What is the purpose of Teacher Training Program?

The Teacher Training Program is designed for people who wish to train as authentic Dharma Teachers in the New Kadampa Tradition.  In addition to completing the study of fourteen texts of Sutra and Tantra, including the six texts studied on the Foundation Program, students are required to observe certain commitments with regard to behaviour and way of life, and to complete a number of meditation retreats each year.

We are just starting to study a new text in Teacher Training Program.

The new text is Ocean of Nectar, by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

Ocean of Nectar is the first complete explanation in English of the renowned Indian Buddhist Master, Chandrakirti’s Guide to the Middle Way, a precious Mahayana scripture, which to this day is regarded as the principal presentation of Buddha’s profound view of emptiness, the ultimate nature of reality.

With a definitive translation and verse-by-verse commentary, the author reveals this profound meaning to the modern world with utmost clarity, and guides us along the stages of the Bodhisattva path to full enlightenment.

This book is an indispensable guide for the serious practitioner of Mahayana Buddhism.

We have copies of this text for sale in our bookshop, or you can order online from Tharpa.ca .

For those who live at a distance, we have options to enable you to attend.

If distance prevents you from attending our study programs at KMC Ottawa, we have other options for you. You can enroll in Teacher Training Program by correspondence, which means you can receive audio recordings of all the classes, or you can participate online with Zoom Livestream. Or, would you just like to try out these options before deciding?  Please contact education@meditateinottawa.org for more information.

For a list of the twelve texts which are studied on the Teacher Training Program, click below:

Read about TTP texts

Commitments of the Teacher Training Program

When you join the Teacher Training Program, you make the following commitments:

  1. To attend every teaching class, group discussion class, teaching skills class, memorization assessment class and review class.

  2. To memorize the condensed meaning and the Root Text of the books and to sit a written examination at the end of each book or section of a book.

  3. To attend at least one prayer service (Puja) organized by the Centre each week.
  4. To prepare well for each class so discussion partners’ efforts are respected.
  5. In addition, you will be expected to practically help the Centre in various ways – such as by occasionally putting up daily water offerings, cleaning the meditation room and other areas as needed; also helping in assisting at short courses where possible and assisting or teaching at General Program classes from time to time.  This aspect is as important as the study part of the program, as it allows you to put the teachings into practice supported by other practitioners.

Prioritizing your study program in your schedule

Making your study program a high priority is essential for your studies and meditations to be successful. Please note: valid reasons for non-attendance should not include avoidable appointments or holidays.

How to register

To learn how to register, please email our Education Coordinator, Kelsang Lamden by clicking below:

Send an email

For an extensive explanation of the benefits of the Foundation & Teacher Training Programs, you can read the transcript of a talk by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche:

Read transcript

If we just dabble superficially in a spiritual path we will never gain a deep and stable experience, and our wisdom will never develop to its full potential. This is why these spiritual programs are so important.
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche