Meditation for Kids

Introductory Level Classes
Once a Month

The next Meditation for Kids classes will be on Saturday Sept. 14, Oct. 19, Nov. 16 and Dec. 14.

For kids aged 3-11 years

Drop In: $5 per child.
FREE for Adults and for children of members (max 2 free).

This fun and uplifting class includes fun activities, games, and a short talk based on Buddha’s teachings which will help kids to solve their day-to-day problems and love others more. Children also learn a simple meditation practice to help them calm their minds and feel happy. 

Pre-registration recommended but you can also register at the door

Meditation for Kids Registration

Register now

Coming up this month

If we love our friends and family we will be happy even if we have no material wealth.
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
Joyful Path of Good Fortune