Sessions will resume Monday, Feb 3.
Available in-person, and all Centre Members can attend online.
Our Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka ~ January Retreat Challenge begins Friday Jan 3, and continues until Tues Jan 28.
Heart Jewel Prayers and Lamrim meditations are heart practices of the New Kadampa Tradition. They are a daily practice at KMC Ottawa and all NKT centres throughout the world.
Through practicing Heart Jewel, we learn how to generate the right state of mind with which to meditate successfully. It empowers, purifies and, most importantly, blesses our mind, so that we can meditate at much deeper levels and gain actual experience in meditation.
Lamrim meditations are essential Buddhist meditations that guide us step-by-step towards enlightenment.
From Monday to Friday each week, we will offer Heart Jewel Prayers from 8 to 9am with a special Lamrim meditation, which will be guided by Gen Kelsang Thekchen.
Feb 3 - Precious Human Life
Feb 4 - Death and Impermanence
Feb 5 - Dangers of Lower Rebirth
Feb 6 - Refuge
Feb 7 - Karma
Everyone can attend in-person, and all Centre Members can attend online. For more information, please contact
The Heart Jewel Prayer Booklet
This short prayer booklet includes two practices revealed by the Wisdom Buddha Manjushri. By engaging in the special Guru yoga practised in conjunction with Je Tsongkhapa we can purify negativity, accumulate merit and receive blessings, and attain a very special wisdom. By engaging in the special method for relying upon the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden we can overcome obstacles to our practice and create favourable conditions so that we can nurture and increase our spiritual realizations. These two practices are the very essence of Kadampa Buddhism. If we practise them regularly and sincerely, we will reap a rich harvest of pure Dharma realizations, and eventually come to experience the supreme joy of full enlightenment.
There will be copies of this prayer booklet available to you at our Centre when you attend these sessions.
Questions? Please contact .
No matter how difficult our external circumstances may become, for as long as we maintain a calm and peaceful mind, the situation will not be a problem for us.