A fun Community get-together

Centre Cherishing Day
& Sangha gathering

Saturday February 22 |  10am - 3:30pm

Kadampa Meditation Centre Ottawa
879 Somerset Street West

Mark your calendars for SATURDAY February 22nd to offer your care and attention to our most beautiful and precious Dharma Centre and to your fellow Sangha community of friends.

Every year we gather together to give our centre a deep cleaning and tackle special renovation projects. This year we’ll be focusing on our most beautiful and precious meditation room. There will be activities and opportunities for every level of ability from moving statues, dusting, vacuuming, washing, mopping and other odd-jobs. 

Wishfulfilling Jewel with Tsog Offerings prayers follows at 5pm. 

Please consider popping in for this cherishing day.

WHEN: SATURDAY February 22nd


10-12:30    Cherishing projects (Supplies provided)
12:30-1:30   Vegetarian lunch (provided)
1:30-3:30   Outdoor activity weather permitting (Skating on canal, hiking on Kitchissippi trail or publicity distribution- to be finalized closer to the date)
5:00-7:30   Wishfulfilling Jewel with Tsog puja

As conscientious Dharma practitioners, we should observe our own shortcomings instead of being preoccupied with those of other people. 
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
Universal Compassion