A Half-day Meditation Course, followed by a Refuge Retreat
Refuge: An Introduction to Buddha (Teacher),
Dharma (teachings),
and Sangha (Spiritual friends)
followed by a Refuge Retreat
with Refuge Ceremony
with Gen Kelsang Thekchen
Refuge Course: Saturday March 15, 10am to 1pm
One-day Guided Refuge Retreat with Refuge Ceremony:
Sunday March 16, 9am-3:30pm
Three-day Partially-Guided Retreat:
Monday March 17 to Wednesday March 19
According to Buddha’s teachings, known as Dharma, suffering arises not from external conditions themselves but rather from how we respond to them. Suffering arises from the mind and therefore to protect ourselves from suffering we need to learn to train our mind by taking Buddha's teachings to heart and applying them to our own lives.
If we are to have lasting success in this training we need to decide to fully engage in this process. We can find protection from the suffering of this life and our future lives by going for heartfelt refuge in the practice of Dharma. This in turn depends upon our trust in the teachings and blessings of Buddha and the support and friendship of Sangha, the spiritual community. This refuge in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha or the Three Jewels, is what characterizes the Buddhist approach to life.
This half day course is a perfect preparation for the Refuge retreat and Refuge Ceremony that will follow.
The day after the course, on Sunday March 16, there will be a one-day guided retreat with Gen Thekchen, which will include a special Refuge Ceremony. The refuge ceremony will give us the opportunity to take Refuge Vows - principally this means making a promise to rely on Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, by making effort to receive Buddha's blessings, to put Dharma into practice and to receive help from Sangha, our spiritual community.
Then from Monday March 17 to Wednesday March 19, the Refuge Retreat will continue, partially guided by Gen Thekchen.
Saturday Course Schedule:
10-11.15 - teaching and meditation
11.15-11.45 - break and refreshments
11.45-1pm - teaching and meditation
Sunday Guided Retreat, March 16:
9-10am - Guided retreat session
10.30-11:30am - Guided retreat session
12-1pm - Guided retreat session
2:30-3:30pm - Refuge Ceremony
Monday, March 17:
8-9.30am - Guided retreat session
10:30am-12:00 - Unguided retreat session
1:30-3pm - Unguided retreat session
7-8.30pm - Unguided retreat session
Tuesday, March 18:
8-9.30am - Guided retreat session
10:30am-12:00 - Unguided retreat session
1.30-3pm - Unguided retreat session
7-8.30pm - GP class
Wednesday, March 19:
8-9.30am - Guided retreat session
10-11.30am - Unguided retreat session
This course will be taught by Resident Teacher Gen Kelsang Thekchen, who is a Kadampa Buddhist monk & senior Teacher in the New Kadampa Tradition. He has been a Teacher under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for more than 25 years. Gen Thekchen has taught widely in Canada and in the UK, and is now the Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Centre Ottawa. He is well known for his ability to present Buddha's teachings in a practical, profound and often humorous way, making them very accessible and easy to practise in everyday life.
To hear a great sample teaching with Gen Thekchen, click on the video below.
Registration: Pre-registration is recommended, but you can also register at the door when you arrive.
Refuge course Saturday: $25
Entire Sat & full retreat (Saturday to Wednesday): $60
Guided retreat & Refuge ceremony on Sunday: $15
Unguided Mon, Tues or Wed $10 each day
Refuge Course, Ceremony & Retreat
No matter how difficult our external circumstances may become, for as long as we maintain a calm and peaceful mind, the situation will not be a problem for us.