10am - 1pm
Mantra & Mala Workshop
In this workshop, suitable for beginners, you will learn how to make a qualified mala (or prayer beads) according to the New Kadampa Tradition lineage of instructions. A mala is used to count recitations of prayers or mantras. The word mantra means ‘mind protection’.
To understand the preciousness of owning and using a mala, we’ll begin the workshop with a teaching on the ancient practice of mantra recitation. This practice functions to purify our mind, makes it more positive, and helps us draw close to the Buddhas.
Class Fee: $45 (includes the mala that you make)
Class Schedule
10-11am Teaching & Meditation
11-11:15am Break
11:15 - 1pm Mala Workshop
This class is suitable for beginners and also those more experienced. Everybody is welcome!

We now offer unlimited in-person attendance. Please note that masks must be worn for the entirety of the class.
We encourage you to register in advance, but you can register at the door instead.
Please fill in the form below, submit and then select the Buy now button to complete your registration.
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No matter how difficult our external circumstances may become, for as long as we maintain a calm and peaceful mind, the situation will not be a problem for us.