Tuesday Evening
Introductory Level Classes
Introduction to Meditation

Tuesday evenings, 7-8:15pm January 12-26

$12 | No cost for members

A young man in a striped t-shirt meditatingMeditation is a method to develop inner peace and happiness. It is an ancient technique that Buddha taught for everyone, for all levels of interest, and capacity. In this series of classes we will learn how to meditate, and why meditation reduces stress and helps us to relax and enjoy our life. Meditation also has the power to transform our mind so that we naturally begin to feel more positive about ourselves and others.

You can choose to attend any or all of the classes in the series, since each class is self-contained. Every session will include practical, easy-to-apply advice, and guided meditations to help you to gain practical experience.

This class will be very suitable for beginners, even if you’ve never meditated before. If you’re a more experienced meditator, you will find helpful information to help you to progress in your practice. Everyone is welcome!

including recordings available for 5 days following the class.
Please click on the class title to register.

Tuesday January 12
The Basics of Meditation
Tuesday January 19
Protecting our Inner Peace
Tuesday January 26
Meditation & Transformation

To register for a monthly membership
Please click here
Coming up this month

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Happiness and suffering are states of mind and so their main causes are not to be found outside the mind.
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
Modern Buddhism (2ND ED.)