Silent Urban Retreat
Training in Concentration
Saturday November 18
9am - 3pm
Life can be hectic and overwhelming. It’s easy to be “on” all the time without ever taking the time to be quiet and enjoy a simple day of rest and recharging. This day retreat is a wonderful opportunity to take a break and enjoy a day of silence, meditation, and the peace that comes from concentration. This retreat will include guided meditations on the breath using the very simple yet profound mantra: OM AH HUM, the mantra of all Buddhas.
Gen Thekchen will give instructions on the meditation and guide 5 short meditation sessions to help lead the mind to a state of deep concentration and peace. There will be short breaks to go for a walk, read and contemplate. Everyone is welcome.
Lunch, snacks and beverages will be served during the session breaks.
Session times:
To see a great video with Gen Thekchen telling us about the retreat, click below.

Whoever we meet, we think: "This person is important. Their happiness and freedom are important.”