Almonte Branch Classes
Once-a-month on Saturdays

Introductory Level Classes
Meditation Classes in Almonte

Monthly on Saturdays: Sept 21, Oct 5, Nov 2  &  Dec 7

at the Almonte Public Library
155 High Street in Almonte, Ontario

Cost: $15, or $50 for a 4-class card.  Free for monthly support members.
You can register in advance or at the door.

Our classes in Almonte will continue in the fall!

Each class will include a teaching based on Buddhist thought, and two guided meditations. Each class has a new teaching. Although presented as a series, each class is self-contained - you can attend any or all of the classes. No special clothing or equipment is required.

Class topics will soon be available on this page.

Kadampa Teacher Toolika Tastogi
The Teacher for these classes is Toolika Rastogi, who has been studying and practising Buddhist meditation for many years. She enjoys giving her experience and understanding to others.


Pre-register or register at the door. 

Almonte Branch Class


Register now

$50.00 4-Class Cards are available at the door (only) as they are physical cards. 

Attend these classes, and all of our other weekly classes, either in person or by live-stream, by conveniently becoming a monthly support member:  Click to become a member.
Coming up this month

As conscientious Dharma practitioners, we should observe our own shortcomings instead of being preoccupied with those of other people. 
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
Universal Compassion