A special one-day urban retreat

Silent Urban Retreat

Guided by Gen Kelsang Thekchen

Saturday March 29,  9am-3pm

Life can be hectic and overwhelming. It’s easy to be “on” all the time without ever taking the time to be quiet and enjoy a simple day of rest and recharging. This day retreat is a wonderful opportunity to take a break and enjoy a day of silence, meditation, and the peace that comes from concentration. This retreat will include guided meditations on the breath using the very simple yet profound mantra: OM AH HUM, the mantra of all Buddhas.

Gen Thekchen  will give instructions on the meditation and guide 5 short meditation sessions to help lead the mind to a state of deep concentration and peace. There will be short breaks to go for a walk, read and contemplate. Everyone is welcome.

Lunch (vegan, gluten-free, peanut-free), snacks and beverages will be served during the session breaks.

Session times:

REGISTER in advance or at the door. We accept cash, debit or credit.

OM AH HUM Class and Retreat

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Gen Kelsang Thekchen, Buddhist Monk & TeacherThis retreat will be led by our Resident Teacher, Gen  Kelsang Thekchen, who is a senior Teacher in the New Kadampa Tradition. He has been a Kadampa Buddhist monk and Teacher under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for more than 25 years. He is well known for his ability to present Buddha's teachings in a simple, practical and often humorous way, making them easy to put into practice in everyday life.

To hear a great sample teaching by Gen Kelsang Thekchen, please click on the arrow below.

REGISTER in advance or at the door. We accept cash, debit or credit.

OM AH HUM Class and Retreat

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One of the greatest gifts of Dharma is that it teaches us how to purify our past non-virtues.
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
How to Understand the Mind